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About us

Welcome to 1STec

You can craft a narrative for your About Us page by using the following formula:

  1. Set the scene. Introduce the characters or setting, and establish the status quo or “the way things were” for you, your target customer, or your industry.
  2. Introduce the problem. Describe the problem that called you (the main character) to act.
  3. Rise to the challenge. Explain how you set out to find a solution (i.e., start your business) and the obstacles you faced along the way.
  4. Arrive at a solution. Share details of how your business is pursuing its purpose and the milestones you’ve hit.
  5. Envision what’s next. Paint a picture of the future for your company or state its mission and goals.

Here are some other components you might want to incorporate into your About Us page, not only to flesh out your narrative but to define your brand and communicate your company’s reason for being to customers.

Your business model

For some companies, their business model is their unique value proposition and can be a selling point that’s worth including on their About Us page.

Some examples of this might include:

  • How you cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to customers.
  • Where you source the materials for your product (e.g., manufacturing in a specific country or by providing jobs to a certain community).
  • A breakdown of the portion of your revenue that goes to a charity.

If transparency might strengthen your brand, your About Us page is a good opportunity to summarize your supply chain, how your business works, and relate that back to the mission that drives you.

This is often accomplished with an illustration or infographic that presents your business model in an easy-to-digest manner, like this one used by Taaluma Totes that explains how they source materials for their products and how donations help support the country of origin.